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Querying Staged Files

Databend allows you to directly query data in the files stored in one of the following locations without loading them into a table:

  • User stage, internal stage, or external stage.
  • Bucket or container created within your object storage, such as Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, and Microsoft Azure.
  • Remote servers accessible via HTTPS.

During this process, Databend automatically detects the schema with the INFER_SCHEMA function. This feature can be particularly useful for inspecting or viewing the contents of staged files, whether it's before or after loading data.


This feature is currently only available for the Parquet file format.

Syntax and Parameters

SELECT <columns> FROM
{@<stage_name>[/<path>] | '<uri>'} [(
[ PATTERN => '<regex_pattern>']
[ FILE_FORMAT => '<format_name>']
[ FILES => ( 'file_name' [ , 'file_name' ... ] ) ]
[ ENDPOINT_URL => <'url'> ]
[ AWS_KEY_ID => <'aws_key_id'> ]
[ AWS_KEY_SECRET => <'aws_key_secret'> ]
[ ACCESS_KEY_ID => <'access_key_id'> ]
[ ACCESS_KEY_SECRET => <'access_key_secret'> ]
[ SECRET_ACCESS_KEY => <'secret_access_key'> ]
[ SESSION_TOKEN => <'session_token'> ]
[ REGION => <'region'> ]


The file format must be one of the following:


The PATTERN option allows you to specify a PCRE2-based regular expression pattern enclosed in single quotes to match file names. It is used to filter and select files based on the provided pattern. For example, you can use a pattern like '.*parquet' to match all file names ending with "parquet". For detailed information on the PCRE2 syntax, you can refer to the documentation available at


The FILES option, on the other hand, enables you to explicitly specify one or more file names separated by commas. This option allows you to directly filter and query data from specific files within a folder. For example, if you want to query data from the Parquet files "books-2023.parquet", "books-2022.parquet", and "books-2021.parquet", you can provide these file names within the FILES option.


To query data files in a bucket or container, provide necessary connection information with the following parameters:


They are explained in Create Stage.


Example 1: Querying Data in a Parquet File

This example shows how to query data in a Parquet file stored in different locations. Click the tabs below to see details.

Let's assume you have a sample file named books.parquet and you have uploaded it to your user stage, an internal stage named my_internal_stage, and an external stage named my_external_stage. To upload files to a stage, use the File Upload API.

-- Query file in user stage
SELECT * FROM @~/books.parquet;

-- Query file in internal stage
SELECT * FROM @my_internal_stage/books.parquet;

-- Query file in external stage
SELECT * FROM @my_external_stage/books.parquet;

Example 2: Filtering Files

Let's assume you have the following Parquet files with the same schema, as well as some files of other formats, stored in a bucket named databend-toronto on Amazon S3 in the region us-east-2.

├── books-2023.parquet
├── books-2022.parquet
├── books-2021.parquet
├── books-2020.parquet
└── books-2019.parquet

To query data from all Parquet files in the folder, you can use the PATTERN option:

SELECT * FROM 's3://databend-toronto' 
access_key_id => '<your-access-key-id>',
secret_access_key => '<your-secret-access-key>',
endpoint_url => '',
region => 'us-east-2',
pattern => '.*parquet'

To query data from the Parquet files "books-2023.parquet", "books-2022.parquet", and "books-2021.parquet" in the folder, you can use the FILES option:

SELECT * FROM 's3://databend-toronto' 
access_key_id => '<your-access-key-id>',
secret_access_key => '<your-secret-access-key>',
endpoint_url => '',
region => 'us-east-2',
files => ('books-2023.parquet','books-2022.parquet','books-2021.parquet')